Vision and Values
Living for learning; learning for life.
School Vision
Our vision for the school community is rooted in a deep respect for our human, social, and cultural values, expressed in a caring Christian ethos. We aim to promote high academic standards and a positive attitude to learning, and provide a wide range of experiences and opportunities. In doing so, we encourage all children to be happy and to flourish by giving them the skills they need to become good citizens and discover life in all its fullness (John 10:10).
We try to apply these in all aspects of school life and encourage children to apply these in their own lives. This includes thinking about others who are less fortunate than themselves and supporting a range of charities.
School Values
At Temple Sowerby Church of England School, our vision is underpinned by six core Christian values. We explore the meanings of these values and their significance through our Collective Worship and link them to the Christian faith by relating them to Bible stories and readings. Our values, which were chosen following discussions with governors, staff, children and parents, are:
kindness, responsibility, resilience, hope, community and courage
British Values
There is no place for extremist views of any kind in our school. Any prejudice, discrimination or extremist views, including derogatory language, displayed by pupils, staff, visitors or parents will always be challenged and, where appropriate, dealt with. Through a wide range of activities (click here for details), we encourage pupils to respect the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We ensure that partisan political views are not promoted in the teaching of any subject in the school and, where political issues are brought to the attention of the pupils, reasonably practicable steps are taken to offer a balanced presentation of opposing views to pupils.