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Our Vision:

“Our vision for the school community is rooted in a deep respect for our human, social, and cultural values, expressed in a caring Christian ethos. We aim to provide high academic standards and a wide range of experiences and opportunities. In doing so, we encourage all children to flourish by giving them the skills they need to become good citizens and to discover life in all its fullness.”

Our Curriculum:

At Temple Sowerby CE School, our curriculum reflects our school vision by promoting academic standards, providing a wide range of opportunities and experiences, and by encouraging children to flourish in a caring, nurturing environment.

It has been designed to ensure that every child receives a broad and balanced range of learning opportunities and is progressive, building knowledge and skills sequentially over each year and gradually developing their understanding of concepts and vocabulary. It also reflects our location  in the heart of the Eden Valley, close to the Lake District. We aim to make the most of our environment when delivering our curriculum, whilst at the same time addressing the challenges of our rural location, through providing opportunities for children to learn about the wider world and experience cultural enrichment. 

Our curriculum is further enriched and enhanced by our after school provision, which offers a wide variety of activities, promoting sports, art, drama and an appreciation of nature, through our popular gardening club.

The experiences we offer support our Christian ethos and ensure that our children benefit from a variety of academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities. These activities enrich their lives and those of our whole school community and make the pupils reflect on and use our school values.

As a small school, our children are taught in mixed-age classes. In Key Stage 1, we have a 2-year rolling programme of topics and in Key Stage 2 a 4-year rolling programme, to ensure full coverage of the curriculum. Further details of what content is covered and how our curriculum meets the full requirements of the National Curriculum are shown in the documents below.

Curriculum Design Statement

The content of our school curriculum can be found by following the links at the side of this page.